I made a Blog

I don’t know from where the word blog originates. I never particularly liked it, but that’s not important.

After reading the things I’ve written, a number of people have suggested I start a blog. So I did.

I tend to have some really weird experiences, and they are often either humorous or terrifying; sometimes a healthy combination of both. I will write about them here, and you will be entertained. If you are not entertained, then please write me a lengthy complaint so you can feel better about the situation.

My name is Nader (pronounced like Otter but with an N at the beginning. Like Notter. But Nader.)

My daily life is filled with peculiar juxtapositions and contradictions. They are entertaining, as previously mentioned. And now that I am being redundant I will go ahead and “PUBLISH” this “BLOG POST.”

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